Explore and compare the energy expenditure for various types of physical activities, including cycling, jogging and swimming as well as watching TV and sleeping.
Get data on a physical activity:
Find out how wet you would get while in the rain:
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Exercise Computations
Calculate the caloric expenditure for a particular exercise based on the duration and pace of the exercise as well as a specified gender, body weight and height.
Compute caloric expenditure:
Specify other physical characteristics:
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Heart Rate
Compute a target heart rate based on a person's age, gender and resting heart rate.
Compute maximum and target heart rates:
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Explore a diving profile, including pressure groups, time restrictions and stop requirements based on the duration, depth, surface interval and initial pressure group of your dive.
Make recreational dive calculations interactively:
Calculate the pressure group after a dive:
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Pilates Exercises
Find instructions for, benefits of and muscles involved in a particular Pilates exercise or find the workout that meets your goals.
Find information about a Pilates exercise:
Get information about a class of Pilates exercises:
Look up a property of a Pilates exercise:
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Yoga Poses & Sequences
Find yoga poses and sequences that meet your goals, such as strengthening your core or gaining overall flexibility.
Get information about a yoga pose:
Get information about a class of yoga poses:
Look up a yoga pose property:
Get information about a yoga sequence:
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Weight Training Exercises
Develop your weight training workout routine.
Get information about a weight training exercise:
Find information about a class of weight training exercises:
Look up a property of a weight training exercise:
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Weight Loss
Use the weight loss formula to find the optimal way to reach your target body weight.
Analyze a weight loss regimen:
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