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Search results for "rudolfmm"

Reduced Mass Calculator

Added Dec 4, 2010 by rudolfmm in Physics

The reduced mass mu of a system of two bodies with masses m1 and m2 is determined as 1/mu=1/m1+1/m2. Reduced mass permits effectively covert two-body mechanical problem into an equivalent one-body m

Gravitational radiation of orbiting objects

Added Dec 11, 2010 by rudolfmm in Physics

Input the mass of two objects and the separation distance; outputs the power of gravitational radiation.

Pauli Matrices

Added Dec 11, 2010 by rudolfmm in Physics

The Pauli matrices are set of 2X2 hermitian and unitary matrices, introduced by Wolfgang Pauli.

Square-Root of a Pauli Matrix

Added Dec 11, 2010 by rudolfmm in Computational Sciences

Square-root of a Pauli matrix is a valid quantum logic gate.

Hadamard Matrix

Added Dec 11, 2010 by rudolfmm in Computational Sciences

Hadamard matrix or gate is the most important gate in quantum computation. It used to construct superposition of basis state qubits , which enables to realize the qubit interference.

Square-Root of Hadamard Matrix

Added Dec 11, 2010 by rudolfmm in Computational Sciences

The square-root of Hadamard matrix or gate is a purely quantum mechanical gate, in that it has no classical analog.

Armenian Alphabet

Added Dec 12, 2010 by rudolfmm in Culture & Media

Saint Mesrop Mashtots created the Armenian alphabet in AD 406. It is used for the Armenian language. The Armenian alphabet has remained essentially unchanged since its invention.

n-th Roots of the +1 and -1

Added Dec 13, 2010 by rudolfmm in Mathematics

Roots of unity appears in many surprising places. In complex plane they lie on the unit circle and form the vertexes of regular n-polygon. Roots of unity are at the heart of DFT and QFT.

Properties of n-Sphere

Added Dec 18, 2010 by rudolfmm in Mathematics

Usual 3-dimensional sphere can be generalized to any n-dimensional case, known as hypersphere. The volume of hypersphere called sometimes as a content.

Physical Constants

Added Dec 18, 2010 by rudolfmm in Physics

The list of more common physical constants is presented. Source: WolframIAlpha.

Astronomical Data

Added Dec 19, 2010 by rudolfmm in Astronomy

A set of astronomical data and constants are presented. Source: Wolfram| Alpha.

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