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Search results for "once_a_student"

Convert to Babylonian Numerals

Added Nov 13, 2017 by once_a_student in Mathematics

Convert a positive integer to Babylonian numerals

Extended GCD for Polynomials

Added Feb 17, 2015 by once_a_student in Mathematics

Find gcd(f(x),g(x)), m(x) and n(x) such that gcd(f(x),g(x))=m(x)f(x)+n(x)g(x).

Euler totient function

Added Mar 9, 2012 by once_a_student in Mathematics

Euler totient function

Factorizing Tn(x)-1 into irreducible factors

Added Mar 8, 2012 by once_a_student in Mathematics

Factorize Tn(x)-1 into irreducible factors in rational coefficients, where Tn(x) is the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind.

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