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Search results for "bodo"

Kružnica daná stredom a bodom

Added Jan 13, 2019 by PeterGulasWidgets in Mathematics

circle defined with center point and another point

Vzdialenosť dvoch bodov

Added Jan 12, 2019 by PeterGulasWidgets in Mathematics

calculate distance of two points with coordinates in E3

Kolmica na priamku prechádzajúca daným bodom

Added Mar 2, 2018 by TommyMadaras in Mathematics

the line through given point which is perpendicular to the given line

long input simplifier

Added Sep 9, 2013 by bodo in Mathematics

T1 through T7 are superimposed expressions (so that you get 7x as long of an input). It then simplifies the expression containing the summation of all T1 through T7.

Bodová konvergence

Added Apr 11, 2011 by lholy in Mathematics

Testing widget

How Old Are You?

Added Aug 13, 2010 by robodoggy in Dates & Times

It tells you how long you've been alive.

Next Eclipse

Added Aug 27, 2010 by robodoggy in Astronomy

It tells you when the next eclipse is!

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