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Search results for "Mr. C."

Local Acceleration Due To Gravity

Added Mar 27, 2018 by Mr. C. in Physics

Find local acceleration due to gravity in any city in the US.

Law of Cosines - SAS - Mr.C.

Added Jan 3, 2011 by Mr. C. in Mathematics

Using the Law of Cosines to find the third side of any triangle when the SAS are known.

Law of Cosines - SSS - Mr. C.

Added Jan 3, 2011 by Mr. C. in Mathematics

Use the Law of Cosines to find the measure of the angle C opposite the third side given sides a, b, and c.

Convert Radians & Degrees

Added Jan 13, 2011 by Mr. C. in Mathematics

Convert the measure of an angle from radians to degrees or from degrees to radians.

Slope of Line Given 2 Points

Added Jan 14, 2011 by Mr. C. in Mathematics

Find the slope of a line given the (x,y) coordinates of two points on the line.

Prime Factorization - Mr. C.

Added Jan 14, 2011 by Mr. C. in Mathematics

Find the prime factors of any integer. The output will also display a list of the factors (divisors) of the number.

Area of Any SAS Triangle - Mr. C.

Added Jan 15, 2011 by Mr. C. in Mathematics

Find the area of any triangle given the measure of two sides and the included angle. Area (sq. units) = (.5)(side 1)(side 2)(sin(included angle)).

Law of Sines - ASA - Mr. C.

Added Jan 15, 2011 by Mr. C. in Mathematics

Using the Law of Sines in a triangle where the ASA are known, find the length of the side opposite the second angle.

Law of Sines - AAS - Mr. C.

Added Jan 15, 2011 by Mr. C. in Mathematics

Use the Law of Sines and given the AAS of a triangle, find the measure of the side opposite the second angle.

Convert Bullet Diameters

Added Jan 15, 2011 by Mr. C. in Units & Measures

Convert a bullet diameter from inches to millimeters or from millimeters to inches.

Compare Bullet Cross-Sectional Areas

Added Jan 15, 2011 by Mr. C. in Units & Measures

Given the diameter of two bullets in millimeters, compare their cross-sectional areas.

Compare Bullet Cross-Sectional Areas (inches)

Added Jan 15, 2011 by Mr. C. in Units & Measures

Given the diameter of two bullets in inches, compare their cross-sectional areas.

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