
Input interpretation

RGB color | red 88 | green 227 | blue 72

Color swatch

Color swatch

Nearest representations

24-bit RGB | red 88 | green 227 | blue 72
fractions | red 0.35 | green 0.89 | blue 0.28
hexadecimal | #58E348
Wolfram Language | RGBColor[0.35, 0.89, 0.28]
HSV | hue 114° | saturation 68% | value 89%
HSL | hue 117° | saturation 84% | lightness 42%
CMYK | cyan 61% | magenta 0% | yellow 68% | black 11%
XYZ | X 0.3476 | Y 0.5763 | Z 0.1222
CIE L^*a^*b^* | L^* 80.53 | a^* -60.23 | b^* 60.62

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