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Input interpretation

RGB color | red 74 | green 234 | blue 216

Color swatch

Color swatch

Nearest representations

24-bit RGB | red 74 | green 234 | blue 216
fractions | red 0.29 | green 0.92 | blue 0.85
hexadecimal | #4AEAD8
Wolfram Language | RGBColor[0.29, 0.92, 0.85]
HSV | hue 173° | saturation 68% | value 92%
HSL | hue 169° | saturation 85% | lightness 45%
CMYK | cyan 68% | magenta 0% | yellow 8% | black 8%
XYZ | X 0.4449 | Y 0.6467 | Z 0.5713
CIE L^*a^*b^* | L^* 84.31 | a^* -46.01 | b^* -3.97