
Input interpretation

RGB color | red 192 | green 219 | blue 232

Color swatch

Color swatch

Nearest representations

24-bit RGB | red 192 | green 219 | blue 232
fractions | red 0.75 | green 0.86 | blue 0.91
hexadecimal | #C0DBE8
Wolfram Language | RGBColor[0.75, 0.86, 0.91]
HSV | hue 200° | saturation 17% | value 91%
HSL | hue 201° | saturation 42% | lightness 67%
CMYK | cyan 17% | magenta 6% | yellow 0% | black 9%
XYZ | X 0.6181 | Y 0.674 | Z 0.6524
CIE L^*a^*b^* | L^* 85.71 | a^* -7.273 | b^* -9.58

Chromaticity diagram location

Chromaticity diagram location

Nearest named HTML colors

 | HTML name | hexadecimal | 24-bit RGB
red | green | blue
 | light blue | #ADD8E6 | 173 | 216 | 230
 | light steel blue | #B0C4DE | 176 | 196 | 222

Nearest Pantone colors

 | 2707
 | 290
(screen approximations)

Nearest brand colors

 | Benjamin Moore 2066-70 (light blue)
 | Benjamin Moore 2065-70 (bashful blue)

Related colors

Complementary colors

Related colors Complementary colors

Color triad

Related colors Color triad

Color composition

1.8 parts of (red) + 3.1 parts of (yellow) + 5 parts of (blue)
(decomposition based on paint (RYB) color mixing)