Entity["Surname", "Mahaffy"]

Input interpretation

Mahaffy (surname)

Basic information for the United States

rank | 28618th
fraction | 1 in 357143 people (2.8×10^-4%)
number | 833 people
(based on 2010 United States Census)

Ethnic fractions

white | 92.44%
Hispanic | 3.24%
black | 2.64%
mixed | 0.96%
(based on 2010 United States Census)

Wikipedia summary

Mahaffy is a surname of Scottish origin, and is an Anglicisation of the Gaelic name Mac Dhuibhshithe. It is a sept of Clan Macfie in Scotland, but the clan originated in Ireland. There the name is found largely in County Donegal, Ulster.

Wikipedia page hits history

Wikipedia page hits history