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Input interpretation

Burnley, Lancashire, United Kingdom


city population | 82002 people (country rank: ≈106th) (2016 estimate)


Lancashire, England, United Kingdom

Local map

Local map

Administrative regions

region | Lancashire
country | United Kingdom

Current local time

11:29 am GMT | Friday, January 31, 2025

Current weather

3 °C (wind chill: 1 °C) | relative humidity: 93% | wind: 2 m/s | fog, overcast

Nearby cities

Bolton | 27 km (kilometers) south-southwest | 276786 people
Bradford | 32 km (kilometers) east | 522452 people
Manchester | 33 km (kilometers) south | 503127 people
Leeds | 45 km (kilometers) east | 751485 people
(straight-line distances between city centers)

Nearby airports

Leeds Bradford International Airport | 38 km (kilometers) east
Warton Airport | 43 km (kilometers) west
Manchester Airport | 50 km (kilometers) south
Blackpool International Airport | 53 km (kilometers) west
Dishforth Airport | 65 km (kilometers) northeast
(straight-line distances between city center and airport)

Geographic properties

elevation | 139 m

Nearby features

nuclear power site | Heysham | 51 km (kilometers) west-northwest
waterfall | Cautley Spout (198 meters) | 66 km (kilometers) north-northwest
(straight-line distances between city center and feature coordinates)

Nearest sea

Irish Sea (45 km (kilometers) west) 
(straight-line distance between city center and shore)