Examples for


Wolfram|Alpha contains extensive data and powerful algorithms related to color, allowing you to look up properties of colors, mix and transform colors, explore branded paint colors and more. Compare colors or find complementary hues, easily convert between different color spaces or experiment with combining colors of pigment or light.


Retrieve and compare detailed statistical analyses of colors.

Get information about a color:

Compute properties of a named color:

Specify an HTML color:

Query a specific property of a color:

Get information about a color tone:

Compare colors:

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Related Colors

Find complementary or nearby colors or color groups.

Complementary color:

Find a color triad:

Find a color tetrad:

Find a nearby brand color:

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Sets of Colors

Explore and compare properties of related colors.

Investigate groups of colors:

Examine the color-space properties of a set of colors:

Compare sets of colors:

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Color Conversions

Convert colors between any two named color spaces.

Convert a hexadecimal RGB color to HSL representation:

Convert a named color to CIELAB representation:

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Paint Colors

Look up properties of brand-name paint colors.

Specify a paint color by brand and name or number:

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Compute color-related properties of a given temperature.

Compute the blackbody radiation color for a temperature:

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