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Current Weather
Get current weather information from general reports to specific data, such as temperatures and pressures.
Get a current local weather report:
Get the current weather for a specified location:
Get specific weather data:
Compare weather in several locations:
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Historical Weather
Obtain historical temperatures, rainfall amounts and other weather data for locations around the world.
Get local weather history:
Get historical weather information for a specified location:
Compare weather histories:
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Weather Forecast
Get weather forecasts for locations around the world.
Get a local weather forecast:
Get an extended forecast:
Get a weather forecast for a specified location:
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Sunburn & UV Index
Compute the risk of sunburn and obtain forecasts for the UV index.
Get the local UV forecast:
Compute how long it's safe to be in the sun:
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Weather Exposure
Obtain information on the effects and severity of exposure to high and low temperatures.
Get the heat index for a location:
Get historical wind chill data:
Compute the exposure time for frostbite:
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