Earthquake Data
Get properties of historical earthquakes around the world.
Get data about recent earthquakes:
Get earthquake data for a specified time:
Get earthquake data for a specified location:
Specify location and time:
Get earthquake data near a specified landmark:
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Earthquake Magnitudes
Get information on earthquake magnitudes, their relationships and their energy equivalences.
Do earthquake magnitude computations:
Find definitions of magnitudes:
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Earthquake Intensity
Find information on earthquake intensity scales.
Get information on earthquake intensity scales:
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Earthquake Characteristics
Calculate properties of earthquakes of different magnitudes.
Compute ground motion due to earthquakes:
Compute typical characteristics of earthquakes:
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Seismic Travel Times
Compute the time necessary for a seismic wave to travel between two locations.
Get information about seismic wave travel times:
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Earthquake Visualizations
Explore different earthquake moment tensors in three dimensions.
Visualize earthquake moment tensors:
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