Examples for


Molecules are the building blocks of matter. From the air we breathe to the ground beneath our feet to the processes of life, everything depends on the underlying chemical species. Wolfram|Alpha has information such as chemical structure, molecular formula, molar mass and much more for a vast array of different chemical compounds.


Search for chemicals by name, chemical formula or other identifier.

Get information about a chemical compound:

Specify a compound by chemical identifier:

Compare several compounds:

Mix together different elements to create a compound:

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Properties of Molecules

Use the curated Wolfram Knowledgebase to explore different experimentally determined properties such as melting point, viscosity, surface tension and more.

Request a property of a chemical compound:

Get mass properties for chemical compounds:

Compare properties of multiple compounds:

Do computations with chemical properties:

Compute a property at a specified temperature:

Find a threshold limit value:

Find the speed of sound in a chemical:

Find a UV cutoff wavelength for a chemical:

Look up an identifier for a compound:

More examples