Image Filtering Apply a filter to an image: WestminsterAbbey.png gradient filter Teapot.pxr apply range filter MansBestFriend.jpg sharpen image FlamingoDance.png highlight red objects Apply a filter with a variable parameter: Gate.tif apply gradient filter with radius r More examples
Feature Detection Detect features of an image: ClockTicks.png detect edges CowSkull.pnm sobel edge detection Recognize text in an image: OriginOfSpecies.png read text More examples
Color Processing Perform color processing on an image: ZebraHead.gif colorize image TileFloor.jpg increase contrast by 0.5 GreenLizard.png color negate CowSkull.pnm set image gamma to 0.5 Snail.png show color permutation Bullfight.pgm create sepia image ColorPlates.png simulate red-green color blindness More examples
Image Effects Apply an effect to an image: TwoLions.png oilpainting effect Dragonfly.bmp charcoal effect Mathematica.ico comics effect More examples