Examples for

Packing & Covering of Objects

Packing, covering and stringing problems can be useful to efficiently use space or answer interesting hypothetical questions. Use Wolfram|Alpha's packing densities and data on hundreds of everyday objects to accurately estimate step-by-step solutions to these problems.

Packing Problems

Find out how many 3D objects could geometrically be packed into another everyday-life object or a specific volume.

Estimate the number of objects required to fill a container:

Estimate the number of objects required to fill a specified volume:

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Covering Problems

Find out how many everyday-life objects could geometrically fit on another object or a specific area.

Estimate the number of objects required to cover another object:

Estimate the number of objects required to cover a specified area:

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Stringing Problems

Find out how many common objects it would take to stretch a certain distance or around or across another object.

Estimate the number of objects required to circle another object:

Estimate the number of objects required to stretch a specified length:

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