Line-Replacement Fractals
Compute properties regarding fractals created by repeatedly applying iteration rules on curves.
Draw a fractal based on iterated line replacement:
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Shape-Replacement Fractals
Compute properties regarding fractals created by repeatedly applying iteration rules on shapes.
Draw fractals based on replacement of shapes:
Draw fractals by repeatedly adding smaller figures:
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Nowhere-Differentiable Functions
Ask about continuous functions that are nowhere differentiable or ask for the value at a particular point.
Plot an approximation to a nowhere-differentiable function:
Evaluate a nowhere-differentiable function at a point:
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Space-Filling Curves
Perform various iterations whose limiting behaviors lead to space-filling curves.
Plot an approximation to a space-filling curve:
Specify the number of iterations to use:
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Mandelbrot & Julia Sets
Compute and visualize Mandelbrot and associated Julia sets.
Plot the Multibrot set of exponent
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Fractals in 3D
Examine fractal behavior in three dimensions.
Draw the Sierpinski tetrahedron:
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Other Fractals
Explore various types of fractals.
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