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Examples forFractals

Line-Replacement Fractals

Draw a fractal based on iterated line replacement:

Shape-Replacement Fractals »

Draw fractals based on replacement of shapes:

Draw fractals by repeatedly adding smaller figures:

Nowhere-Differentiable Functions

Plot an approximation to a nowhere-differentiable function:

Evaluate a nowhere-differentiable function at a point:

Space-Filling Curves

Plot an approximation to a space-filling curve:

Specify the number of iterations to use:

Mandelbrot & Julia Sets »

Plot a Julia set:

Plot the Mandelbrot set:

Plot the Multibrot set of exponent d:

Fractals in 3D

Draw the Sierpinski tetrahedron:

Draw the Menger sponge:

Other Fractals

Plot a curlicue fractal: