97 F to C
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Input interpretation

convert 97 °F (degrees Fahrenheit) to degrees Celsius

Additional conversion

309.26 K (kelvins)

556.67 °R (degrees Rankine)

28.889 °Ré (degrees Réaumur)

26.458 °Rø (degrees Rømer)

Comparison as temperature

0.8889 °C below traditional value associated with "normal" body temperature of a healthy human in the US (98.6 °F)

1.389 °C below to 0.05556 °C above average body temperature for a healthy human (96.9 to 99.5 °F)

16 °C above conventional US room temperature (68 °F)

Nearest corresponding gas marks

 | temperature | usage
thermostat 1 | 30 °C | France
(actual measurements may vary)