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Examples for
People & History
Get information about a person:
Harriet Tubman
Compare several people:
Albert Einstein, Paul Dirac, Richard Feynman
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Compute a family relationship:
father's mother's sister's son
grandmother's aunt
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Historical Events
Get information about a historical event:
codices replace scrolls
Construct a timeline of events:
founding of Carthage, fall of Constantinople
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Historical Numbers
Convert Roman numerals to standard number notation:
Convert a decimal number to Mayan numerals:
365 to Mayan
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Get information about a surname:
name Jones
Compare given names:
Elizabeth, Rebecca, Jennifer
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Salaries & Wages
Get information about an occupation:
Compare salaries:
salary mathematician, physicist, chemist
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Historical Periods
Find the date range associated to a historical period:
Bronze age
Compare historical periods:
Elizabethan era, Jacobean era
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Historical US Money
Compute the current value of a historical quantity of US money:
US$2500 (1950 US dollars)
Compute the historical equivalent value of today's US money:
10,000 current US dollars in 1910
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World Leaders
Get information about a current political leader:
President of Argentina
Get information about a past political leader:
16th President of the United States
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Military Conflicts
Find information about a military conflict:
Get information about a property of military conflicts:
Battle of Zama elephantry
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Historical Countries
Get information about a historical country or kingdom:
Holy Roman Empire
Compare multiple historical countries:
Bernicia, Northumbria
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Compare inventions:
magnetic tape, iPod
Look up an invention property:
when was the airbag invented?
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